Freedom to be you & love what you do
Your path to a brighter future


You’re here because right now you’re facing some challenges


Outwardly, you’re doing well but inwardly you want more.

You lie awake wondering what’s the right thing to do.

You’re working long hours, juggling responsibilities and often feel tired or overwhelmed.

You sometimes question your decisions compare yourself to others.
You enjoy what you do but want to love it, make a bigger impact and become a better leader.

Your confidence took a knock in the past and you don't know how to unlock your full potential. All of this leaves you feeling unclear, unsure or uninspired about the future.

But you’re not sure how to improve things, and so you remain stuck at a crossroads unsure which way to turn.

Please know that you’re not alone


I’ve been there myself and receiving coaching helped me navigate these difficult times and ultimately thrive in my career, business and life.

Since then, I’ve coached hundreds of women and helped them discover the clarity, confidence & courage to unleash their potential and discover the freedom to be you and love what you do.

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Unleash My Future, Coaching & Development

Hi I’m Lisa, certified Coach, business-owner, ex-corporate Senior Leader at Mars & mum of two.

I believe that you, and every woman, deserve to stop doubting your abilities and start believing in your unique talents and strengths

To discover your purpose, pursue your dreams and unleash your full potential

To become the best version of yourself possible and create the future you desire and deserve

To be treated equally & find the freedom to be you and love what you do.

Every day I help women to achieve this goal
And I support organisations passionate about helping their female leaders to do the same.

I do this through 1:1 Executive, Career & Business Coaching, as well as transformational Female Leadership Programmes.

If this sounds like what you’re looking for, then please read on.

Are you….

An Organisation

keen to retain, engage & promote your female talent?

A Business Owner

ready to grow a more successful business that excites, inspires & fulfils you?


An Individual

Whatever it is,wanting to create a more successful, joyful & fulfilling career

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My unique PPP Approach

Having coached women through various stages of their careers & business, I have developed my proprietary PPP coaching approach. By working together, you can expect the following results:


You’ll gain crystal clarity on your ‘why’ and the things that inspire, motivate & fulfil you. You’ll discover what you want your future to look like and the difference you can make to others.


You’ll grow in confidence & energy as you discover your unique strengths, motivations & passions and understand what you uniquely offer.


You’ll discover new opportunities to unleash your potential and identify what you want to do, where & how. You’ll make exciting plans for the future and have the courage to turn these ambitions into a reality

Ultimately, my PPP approach helps you understand who you are, feel proud about what you offer, and feel capable to create the future you really want.

Ultimately, my PPP approach helps you understand who you are, feel proud about what you offer, and feel capable to create the future you really want.

 What my clients say

Natalie Chappell -


Lisa is an amazing woman and truly gifted at coaching you through your mind maze! I came to Lisa when I needed clarity on my business direction and my ‘why’. She brought me back to what brings me joy, my passions and what will unleash my potential. We worked on a strategy to incorporate more of this into my business & I can’t wait! I highly recommend Lisa!

Laura Emberson


Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.



Lisa’s coaching really exceeded my expectations! She helped me get clear on my Purpose, values and strengths and know what success looks like for me. She helped me get rid of old, unhelpful beliefs and create new empowering ones. 

As a Leader, I am now more confident and able to be authentically me. I’ve secured a promotion and feel ready to keep developing & growing. 

Lisa is compassionate, encouraging, supportive and challenging. It is this brilliant combination that enabled me to go beyond what I thought possible. Thank you Lisa!

Michelle Power


Lisa offered to help me ‘Find Clarity & Calm’.

I didn’t expect to be able to achieve such a lofty goal in one Power Hour, but incredibly, she achieved it. The way Lisa listened, distilled and then offered guidance gave me greater clarity about what I need to do next, and left me feeling calmer than I’ve felt in a long time. It’s probably not everlasting clarity and calm, that would be too much to expect from one session, but I do have the foundations on which to continue developing clarity and calm. A massive achievement in such a short time. I wonder what she could help me achieve with a few more sessions? I can’t recommend Lisa more highly. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, for whatever reason, I strongly urge you to get in touch.

Lisa Murdoch

Lisa Murdoch



If you’d like to find out more about the support I offer and discover if it could be right for you, or women in your organisation, then please get in touch.